Applications for individual projects in SME Qualification and SME Internationalization end on 22th May
The first phase for SME Qualification and Internationalization projects will close on 22th May. For SME Qualification is funded the following investment typologies:
- Organizational Innovation and Management
- Digital Economy and ICT
- Brand Creation and Design
- Products, Services and Process development and engineering
- Protection of Industrial Property
- Quality
- Distribution and Logistics
- Knowledge Transference
- Eco innovation
For SME Internationalization, are supported the projects that include:
- External Market Knowledge
- WEB presence, though digital economy
- Development and international promotion of brands
- International Marketing
- Introduction of new organizational methods in commercial practices or in external relations.
All entities who comply with SME criteria from the entire NUTS II region (North, Centre, Lisbon, Alentejo and Algarve) may benefit from the Incentives System.
Take this opportunity to qualify your company and enhance your competitiveness in the national and international markets. Contact us for more information about our services.