Sinergia project under the INTERREG SUDOE program.
Last Friday, November 6th the project “Sinergia – Sinergias sectoriales para un desarrollo sostenible” was submitted to the INTERREG SUDOE program, this is a partnership between SARGA (Sociedad Aragonesa de Gestion Agroambiental Gobierno de Aragon), the F.A.CC. (Federación Asturiana de Concejos), the Cámara Badajoz (Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Servicios de Badajoz) the TAUSTE CGE (Tauste Centro Gestor de Estiercoles, S.L.), and AMOG. The Sinergia project is based on improving the protection and appreciation of the common natural and cultural estate (Portugal – Spain), in a logic of sustainable development and the promotion of tourism potential of natural areas.