Portuguese Metallic Construction launches its quality stamp to encourage exportations
CMM – Portuguese Association of Metallic Construction launches its “Quality Stamp” (quality steel), a project that aims to qualify and promote this national industry in the internal and external markets.
It will be like “Quality Steel” stamp that Portuguese metallic construction companies are going to export – and sell in the internal market – its products. To acquire it, companies need to have the best machines and achieve the most demanding norms of European Union. According to CMM, “the sector lives today in the best moment of its history, with 80% of exportation and a growth of 30% per year”. Now, it’s time to bet on demanding and quality”. The launch of “Quality Steel” will be done in Lisbon, in Luz Stadium, “one of the most emblematic constructions of high performance of Portuguese companies in this sector”.
“The sector has been growing in exports volume in more than 30% per year”, says CMM, representing now 1% of national GDP. It is quite concentrated in the North region of the country, ensuring more than 16 thousand jobs. It has already achieved a turnover of 1.500 million euros.
Source: Económico